Why we love squash

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

November Squash Leagues‏

In September, East Radnorshire Leisure Centre sold around 60% of it's Monday-Friday squash courts (5.00-9.00). Across Powys Leisure Centres this was only bettered by Newtown - who have six times our population! This success means that sometimes the 7.00-9.00 courts are difficult to book. If you can play 5.40 or 6.20 or at weekends, it's a lot easier.

This month I've dropped long term non-players from the league and I hope that now everybody in the league will play their games. Could I ask you to make sure you record your score on the sheet when you've played a league game. There have been occasions when each player has left the other to write in the score and nobody's done it.

Finally, congratulations to October league winners: League 1 - Mike Sayce; League 2 - Tony Woods; League 3 - Rob Spring. Too few games were played in the other leagues for a winner to be chosen.

Whenever any non- league or ex- league players want to join in with league squash, please let me know and I'll include you.

Enjoy your squash.

Regards Tony

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